Use "foetus|foetuses" in a sentence

1. Six Anencephalous foetuses were dissected and the sternalis muscle was found in three, (1) Full-time female foetus, Anencephalous with spina bifida in lower dorsal and lumbar regions

2. Where are the dead foetuses?

3. In the US, legislation is under consideration for both making abortion illegal because of the pain it will cause the foetus, and making it a requirement that foetuses over 22 weeks are given painkillers.

4. We compared both DNA of the foetuses

5. Anencephaly and unilateral anophthalmia with secondary enlargement of the tongue were observed in one foetus, microophthalmia was observed in another foetus, and cleft palate was observed in a third foetus

6. Miss T, the DNA of both foetuses are out

7. Synonyms for fetuses include embryos, Blastospheres, blastulas, unborn children and foetuses

8. The Sternalis Muscle in the Anencephalous Foetus

9. Agomelatine passes into the placenta and foetuses of pregnant rats

10. Youth booked for raping victim and Aborting foetus

11. Using a scanner, we can look at the unborn foetus.

12. The Court ruled that the accidental abortion of the foetus during an operation on the mother did not constitute manslaughter of the foetus.

13. The gynaecologist took the dead foetuses out...... from Zoe' s body is a fact

14. The placenta plays a role as a sensor between mother and foetus physiology and Acclimatizes the needs of the foetus to adequate growth and development

15. A second finding is that the foetus is naturally sedated and unconscious in the womb, leading the panel to advise that anaesthetics for the foetus are not needed when it is terminated.

16. Alyoshenka was a greyish foetus about 25 centimetres (9.8 in) in length.

17. Thus, abortion of white foetuses is viewed as undesirable whereas it is acceptable with respect to others.

18. A Basilyst was used as a last resort only after the foetus was dead.

19. Heptachlor has been shown to cross the placenta to the developing foetus in humans

20. These chemicals were getting through the placenta and reaching foetuses in the womb and the eggs of birds and fish.

21. Perhaps we are really talking about amniotic fluid, which surrounds the foetus in the sac.

22. An Amniotic sac, or amnion, contains a foetus during pregnancy. Other researchers have worked on Amniotic cells.

23. Apparently, some of these substances may be re-absorbed and partially reach the circulation of the foetus.

24. An infected pregnant woman may transmit the virus to a foetus, leading to miscarriage and stillbirth.

25. 'The foetus needs to grow inside the mother's womb, and the infant needs to suckle at her breast.

26. Synonyms for Blastosphere include fetus, embryo, fertilized egg, blastula, unborn child, developing infant, unborn baby and foetus

27. Accumulation of mercury in body also causes kidney damage and birth defects , affecting the foetus in pregnant mothers .

28. On a postulé que la chorio-Amnionite stimule la libération de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire chez la mère et le foetus et que cela est dommageable au système nerveux du foetus en développement.

29. Unde non immerito sexta Synodo Constantinopolitana sancitum est, ut personae quae dant Abortionem cientia medicamenta, & quae foetus necantia venena accipiunt, homicidae poenis subiiciantur, sed, & veteri Concilio Ilerdensi cautum est, ut qui conceptos ex adulterio foetus necare studuerint, vel in ventribus matrum potionibus aliquibus

30. An Anencephalous foetus (Can we find and add a quotation of Todd & B to this entry?) Synonyms

31. The main importance of the virus, however, lies in its capacity to infect the foetus in utero.Sentence dictionary

32. Selective pregnancy reduction corresponds to the termination of one foetus in a twin pregnancy who has a serious abnormality.

33. In 2002, a woman pregnant with a foetus with fatal foetal abnormalities travelled to the UK for a termination.

34. Abortion for legal purposes, termination of a pregnancy before it is complete, with the purpose of destroying the embryo or foetus

35. Genetic counselling services are also provided and in cases where abnormalities in the foetus are identified, options for medical termination are also explained.

36. Basilyst An obsolete device used to perform an obstetrical craniotomy on an undelievered foetus, which may have been similar to a cranioclast.

37. Blow (Foetus album), 2001; Blow (Ghinzu album) or the title song, 2004; Blow (Heather Nova album), 1993; Blow (Messy Marv and Berner album), 2009

38. We exclude all Abnormities in the formation of the foetus, and remark that moles generally contain no foetus, as the degeneration of the membranes and the placenta mostly occurs at a very early period of pregnancy, in consequence of which the embryo dies and disappears, the cavity of the amnios remaining persistent or becoming obliterated.

39. PRENATAL Diagnosis helps us to prevent chromosome anomalies, embryopathies, malformations in the foetus and congenital illnesses, using techniques such as chorionic biopsies, amniocentesis and funiculocentesis.

40. Given in high doses (> # IU/kg/day) follitropin alfa caused a decrease in the number of viable foetuses without being a teratogen, and dystocia similar to that observed with urinary hMG

41. Abruptio placentae The premature separation of the placenta from its site of implantation in the endometrium before the delivery of the foetus, commonly known as placental Abruption.

42. Therefore I am also announcing that we will be dedicating funds from the Chemicals Management Plan to an aggressive research plan focussed on mothers, the foetus, newborns and infants.

43. Basilyst, 'transforator' , obstetric tool designed by Hubert, made by Mathieu, Paris, France, late 19th century, plated steel and wood Basilysts are destructive tools to extract an obstructed foetus from the mother’s body

44. L’Amnionite, aussi connue sous le nom de chorioAmnionite ou infection intra-amniotique, est une infection de l’utérus, du sac amniotique (sac d’eau), et dans certains cas, du foetus

45. IgGs are known to cross the placenta, and Avastin is anticipated to inhibit angiogenesis in the foetus, and thus is suspected to cause serious birth defects when administered during pregnancy

46. Ischemic Anoxia/hypoxia is most commonly caused by the following problems in newborns: problems with blood flow between the mother and foetus, placental abruption, umbilical cord compression, or uterine rupture

47. As nouns the difference between placenta and Chorion is that placenta is (anatomy) a vascular organ in mammals, except monotremes and marsupials, present only in the female during gestation it supplies food and oxygen from the mother to the foetus, and passes back waste it is implanted in the wall of the uterus and links to the foetus through the umbilical cord it is expelled after birth while

48. - a microscopic examination and a culture test for Trichomonas foetus infection on a sample of preputial material or artificial vaginal washings, or in the case of female animals a vaginal mucus agglutination test,

49. In the human being , on the other hand , the egg is implanted in the wall of the maternal uterus soon after fertilisation and a placenta forms which permits direct feeding of the foetus by the mother .

50. [ C ] a membrane (= thin tissue) that surrounds a foetus inside its mother, and that covers the head of some babies when they are born: It was said that babies born in a Caul were born to great fame or …

51. Selvbestemt Abort ― self-determined Abortion (artificial Abortion that a pregnant woman may require performed by the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, according to Norwegian law) Synonyms: Abortus provocatus, utskrapning (medicine, now rare) a premature foetus the act of Aborting Synonym: Abortere;

52. After surgically removing a foetus-shaped tumor from a patient's brain, a mysterious power causes Jin Hyuk to travel 150 years back in time to the year 1860 during the Joseon Dynasty, when medical technology was still in its infant stages.

53. Batswing SALOON “Harold And Maude” 7″ COSMIC 1988 Euro 15 Australia Post Punk: BATTIATO “Foetus” LP BLA…BLA-VINYL MAGIC Euro 25 Versione UK dell’album del 1971: BATTIATO FRANCO “Caffè De La Paix” CD EMI Euro 13: BATTIATO FRANCO “Clic” LP SONY 1974 Euro 24:

54. ‘The Amniotic sac that contains your baby begins to form about 12 days after conception.’ ‘A foetus was aborted at 25 weeks because it had Amniotic band syndrome, which causes deformities in the body parts.’ ‘Before a baby is born, it is surrounded by water in the Amniotic sac.’

55. Measures to protect the foetus from physical violence are established in articles 315 and 316 of the Code, which prescribe penalties for beating or assaulting a woman knowing her to be pregnant and thereby causing her to miscarry or for giving a pregnant woman drugs or using any other means to induce an abortion.

56. Observed adverse effects included an increased incidence of aborted foetuses and embryonic resorptions, along with hypoplastic lungs, reduced pup weight and vitality and increased incidence of skeletal variations, such as non-ossification of the sternebrae.7 Simazine was not teratogenic at maternally non-toxic doses in rabbits exposed to 5, 75 or 200 mg/kg bw per day during gestation.7 No adverse reproductive effects were observed in a three-generation study in albino Charles River rats receiving 50 or 100 ppm simazine in the diet.